Sunday, June 19, 2011

week nineeen...of the rest of my life, (i'm in the zone!)

Hello Bloggers,
Yes, I did not get around to blogging last week. It's just so busy around here. This will be very short today again due to lack of time.
Things are going very well and I am in the zone! I am finally getting it together and have had 2 good eating weeks.
You may remember that I decided to give up counting points or using any other quick fix method.
I don't think that there is anything really wrong about counting points or other similar methods of weight loss but for me I needed something different and more permanent. I have been struggling with weight issues every day of my life for 35 years, since I was about 7 years old. I had gotten into some bad habits, including using food to control my moods. So, for me, because this is a real problem. I really needed to make a more permanent solution.
So, basically I have just been following my dietitian's advice and been eating nutritious foods, including semi healthy treats and eating the right amount of food. Last week my weight had gone from 101.7kg to 99.9kg and this morning it was 98.9kg.
That's great news. Even better;
  • I don't feel like I am on a diet.
  • I am not struggling.
  • I am not thinking about food all the time and tempted by every fancy piece of food that passes by me.
  • I feel normal and my emotions are much more stable when I eat well.
  • I am eating a lot of nice, interesting food.
  • I feel like this is sustainable
  • I feel set free.
Praise God.
Until next week bloggers (and bloggees),
Thanks for reading my blog.

Love Annie.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week seventeen of the rest of my life.

Helllllooooo bloggers (and blogees)!
I am still here and determined not to have another Monday go by without casting another blog.
It has been two weeks (or is it three?) since I last blogged. I missed one week and then the next week I couldn't get onto the blog spot site. Even today I couldn't get onto the site except through someone else's blog.
Anyway, no time to waste as I have to go out but I just wanted to write to you that I have not been very good at this weight loss thing at all. I am hoping that it will change from today.
I think I have to weigh myself every week as I just can't to seem to stay motivated otherwise. Knowing that I have to weigh in on a weekly basis (and worse, blog about it) does really help me. I wish I was more mature and didn't need this external motivation, but just at the moment, I am not.
So I weighed today (turn away now if it is all too much) and I am now 101.7kg.
In eight weeks I have my annual leave and I have got to make a great inroad into this problem before then.
My last holidays (July 2010) were pretty horrible. I was sick for half of them and I also felt just so horrible as I was carrying all this extra weight. I remember going in to see Mum every day at the nursing home and wearing this horrible purple jacket (that I still wear) and being afraid to take it off because I felt so ugly.
Well I am still afraid to take off my jacket and I still feel so ugly and that is no way to live.
I still have plenty of hope that I don't have to live this way and I know it is very possible for me to lose this weight. I am determined to get there and to not give up.
I will get there.
Thank you for reading my blogs. And special love to my darling K. in Canada who is also reading this my blog.
Love Annie. xxx