I'm back! I have had a really good week. I weighed myself this morning and I am now 98.8kg. I was 102kg last week.
Praise God!
All week I kept in my mind that word I used last week that I was lacking in; commitment. I also added in a new word; responsibility, as in, the only one that can take responsibility for my health, weight, eating is me.
This week I have started counting weight watchers points again, whilst still sticking to my current regieme, (vegan and also having my main meal at breakfast time and progressively smaller meals throughout the day). I found that I just didn't have enought discipline to eat the right amount of food without counting points.
I have also been able to be vegan all of the time except twice, (when a friend bought me some yoghurt covered apricot balls as a gift) and also yesterday, I had the tinyiest sliver of a quiche that I made for Mum, to see if it tasted OK). On Wednesday when I had the yoghurt balls (but I didn't eat them all!), I went over my points allocation, but I was able to not get off track, so that, for me, is a good accomplishment. I just made sure that the next meal was healthy and not too much of it.
I have had a lot of support from my friends, (you know who you all are!!) and I am very grateful to you.
I was talking to one friend about weight issues and I was discussing how God understands why we put on weight. In my case it was mainly a lot to do with stress eating. I think we shouldn't blame ourselves for this anymore or feel shame about it. Everyone has some issue, (I think), and this was just the way I chose to cope with stress. Not a good choice, but I feel God understands. When I said this to my friend, she added, "and He will not leave you alone in this".
God understands but He will not leave us to cope with our messes all alone. Praise God.
My focus for next week is exercise. I have been exercising but sporadically due to lack of time. I have been walking Max, my friend's dog, but only on a day off or before a late shift and not at all last week. My car broke down though, so I have done a few long walks with heavy groceries instead.
This week I want to walk Max more, but also do some walks in the morning by myself. I'll see you next week. God bless.
well done little one xx