Well here I am back again. (It must be Monday).
It's late and I wasn't able to do my usual early morning Monday blog. Better late than never.
My life feels very much in disarray and on Sabbath I kind of had a mini meltdown. Feel much better now. I am just doing way too much and not having much fun or free time. Sunday was a much better day for me and I did some fun things like;
- My personal training session (...insert drum roll here)! Once again, it was great!! I am so loving it.
- Then, I actually went for a little drive in my cute new car and sat by the river for a half hour and listened to my current fav CD.
- Then I went shopping with a friend and bought a bike! Can you believe it? I can't believe it. It's green and beautiful and I love it. I have called her Abby, to go with my new car named Angus. Abby and Angus.
The stress is starting to show in my eating habits again. I have not really had a great eating week.
It all really started on Monday when I had two hot cross buns which were not accounted for in my points allocation. Against my better judgement I tried to make up for it by reducing my points the next two days. That is always a bad idea. I vow not to do that again ever. You just spend the whole week chasing your tail. I have had some good days and also some bad days since then. Usually one good and one bad eating day in a repeating pattern.
Today was a bad eating day. It all started when I ate two large cookies which were not accounted for in my points allocation. Does this sound at all familiar? If not; please re-read the above paragraph.
The difference is that I will not try and make up for it tomorrow. So there.
Last thing: I have not weighed in today as I am only weighing in fortnightly as directed by my dietitian. I will weigh in next Monday. Love to you all. xxx PS I heard a nice quote today, "there are no failures, only people who give up".
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