Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week six of the rest of my life.

Here I am again: I weighed in again and today I am 96.9kg, so that's a loss of 0.6kg which I am happy with. I ate well but did not move much for two days as I was sick at home.
Everything is still going well. I have been tempted much more this week with unhealthy (and unhelpful) foods but have not given in to it.
 More disturbingly,  I have been tempted just in the past 24 to 48 hours to eat and not count it  as part of my points allocation. I realise that this is part of a pattern with me; that I go well for two or three weeks and then for no reason I seem to get the idea in my head that I need to have some sort of blow out or failure. I really haven't had any insight into this behaviour before, but I think God is blessing me with the insight now and also with the realisation that I don't need to do this. So, (Praise God), I haven't done this and so far all is going well still. I am starting to see patterns in my old eating patterns and it seem to me that God is making these patterns very clear to me and reassuring me that I can avoid them.
So that is very good.
I have a big week coming up with dinner out tonight, Wed night bible study (and dinner) and Sabbath lunch at church. I am really going to try and count all my points for all these meals and just not leave it to chance.
I have walked Max the dog twice this week and did a lovely walk along the river today by myself which I loved. Thanks for reading this. It really helps me stay accountable and on track. Love Annie, (perfectly imperfect). xxx

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